Wednesday 26 June 2024

From Cool to Fool Britannia | Letter to the editor


Oh those heady days of 1990s Cool Britannia. The Oasis-Blur rivalry, Girl Power one could genuinely believe in with the Spice Girls, and Western innocence that we'd reached the end of history.

How wrong we were. Specifically for Britain, nay the United Kingdom, ahead of its general election on 04 July, the choice is a full return to the Blairite Revolution started in 1997 or continued Conservative Party incompetence.

My latest letter, published in the Irish Examiner on Wednesday 26 June, looks at this bleak choice for the UK through a pop lens. Pop goes Britannia, so to put it.

The letter is at or see the copy of it below.

From Cool to Fool Britannia | Letter to the editor
Fool Britannia

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