Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Appreciating Colombia's approach to health and safety


[For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.]

Living relatively independently in Colombia, a nation that hasn't completely tried to control almost all aspects of its citizens' lives, means that I've been shielded from much of the health and safety silliness that has infected many high-income countries over the last few decades.

Appreciating Colombia's approach to health and safety: Two adults and two children squeeze on to a motorbike in the town of San Martín de los Llanos, Meta, Colombia.
Sure this motorbike is only half full!
Yes, Colombia does have some perplexing rules and regulations. What's more, some of its citizens are anal about rather harmless practices yet blasé when it comes to acts that are highly damaging all round.

Nonetheless, even for things that are officially outlawed here, law enforcement is generally lax. Depending on the situation, this can work to one's advantage or drive one insane. On balance, however, I feel I'm mentally up in the deal living in Colombia. The matters that affect me most hover around my Goldilocks zone.


I did, though, get a taste of how others are forced to operate and strictly follow questionable procedures when I worked on a short recording project at a multinational global technology company 'driving energy innovation for a balanced planet', as it describes itself.

(I don't think I'm breaking any contract agreement by naming the company, so here goes: It's Schlumberger, or SLB as it's called these days. It has a big base in the town of Cota close to Bogotá. I was tempted to run with Shamberger in the title of this piece but considering I haven't got paid yet, that might have been a bit too risqué.)

Before one even goes through SLB's turnstiles, it's clear these guys don't do health and safety by half measures. (This is in contrast to many Colombian companies that are often all show in this regard but then offer little in terms of substance. Again, it's the approach of 'As long as we have it on paper, the practice doesn't matter.')

On seeing some odd-looking contraptions before the turnstiles, I was initially dumbfounded, thinking that we were returning to the covid-19 pandemic-era tests. But tests for covid-19 they were not. They were breathalysers for alcohol and, I assume, other narcotics.

Now, the production company with which I was working didn't tell me in advance that there'd be such a test. Nonetheless, the four 750 ml Costeña beers that I'd drunk the evening before had clearly gone through my system. I got the green light to proceed. (Had such machines existed at places in which I worked full-time previously, I might have struggled to get the green light one out of every five times or so.)
'After successfully and miraculously navigating the stairs, we were then sent to a safety briefing to learn of all the other nearby threats to our existence and how we could competently avoid them.'
Then, just after the turnstiles, before we undertook the herculean task of ascending a standard stairs, we were told how to do so correctly. 'Stay to the right, in single file, and ensure you use the handrail at all times. On ascending, hold on to the top of the handrail, on descending, hold on to the bottom of the handrail.'

Goodness! All those times I've gone up and down stairs, hands swinging by my side. How reckless. In my defence, your Honour, I've heard fitness experts say that using the stairs freestyle can help to build and maintain one's core strength. So SLB could be accused of accelerating the development of health problems in its employees.

Be that as it may, considering some of us in the production crew were novices at this handrail procedure, it was little short of a miracle that we successfully navigated the stairs.

Drive me crazy

After that formidable feat, we were sent to a safety briefing to learn of all the other nearby threats to our existence and how we could competently avoid them.

I shan't go into all the exciting details of that, only to mention that some insects, such as wasps, are potentially dangerous. Come on SLB, you've got to see things from the wasps' perspective. They're the victims here.

We were also given guidance on how to drive carefully and safely. OK, SLB is a US-headquartered company but this is Colombia. One has a better chance of locating the legendary city of El Dorado than finding a local who drives carefully and safely here.

Amusingly enough, an SLB head, a Colombian, rebuked the production company bosses for arriving in a jeep that carried a passenger in the boot. It was pointed out that the boot had a retractable seat and, so the counterargument went, that it was therefore legal to travel with someone seated on it. The SLB guy, not to be seen to back down, said it was unsafe, particularly as the boot was full of equipment.

Now, if this exchange had happened in say, Germany, I wouldn't have questioned its bona fides. But Colombians getting worked up about unsafe driving practices? I'm not having it.

This is a country, after all, where it's common to see four or five people ride on one motorbike, without a helmet in sight. If safety is considered at all, it's in thinking about where's best to place your youngest passenger. Tucked in between you and the handlebars? Or somewhere between your wife at the back of the bike seat and the other two kids in the middle? Trial and error, I guess.

Sterilising health and safety

I'm not, however, criticising this, even though I wouldn't do it. It's the traditional Colombian do-so-at-your-own risk approach. For the most part, I think that's a fair way to live one's life. (Do note that for this to truly work, one must take responsibility for one's actions. And accepting culpability when things go wrong is the harder part.)

The other extreme is what we mentioned at the start, the pullulation of health and safety procedures that we've seen across the Anglosphere and continental Europe.

There is a more agreeable middle way. In my experiences, Colombia is closer to that than most high-income nations. It allows for a little more individual daring as opposed to effectively moulding the masses into a state of inertia: 'Careful now, that's not allowed.' That latter imposition goes against human nature, even if it's done with the best of intentions in mind.

It was this daring, the adventurous spirit of its settlers — particularly those who roamed west — that played an important role in making the United States of America great. It's not overstating it to say that the shackles of over-the-top health and safety rules have played a part in that country's stagnation in certain areas. Basically, too much government interference, just like in Europe.

President Donald Trump has wasted no time in tackling the often pernicious DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) culture that has taken hold in the US (similar expressions of this are in force elsewhere). Where he has led, others have quickly followed in what is being referred to as an overall vibe shift, not just in the US but outside its borders, too.

In many ways, DEI can be seen as an offspring of the more ludicrous elements of health and safety.

So while the child is now being chided, we also need to take the parent to task. Sterilise health and safety before it sterilises us.
Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz "The Bogotá Pub Quiz".

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Too much of a nice guy — to the wrong people


[For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.]

Right. Time to face up to an uncomfortable truth. I'm just too much of a nice guy in this world made for chancers and charlatans.

Too much of a nice guy — to the wrong people: It's often better to follow the cruel-to-be-kind mantra.
Sometimes it's nice to give. At other times, it can lead to resentment.

Nice — or charitable in any case — that is, to those who clearly don't deserve such favour. What makes this worse is that I've known it for some time.


Back in February 2023 in Rewarding the reckless, I explained how over the years I'd become chief moneylender to a buddy, let's call him Pablo — a work-hard, revel-harder builder — in my beloved Bogotá barrio of Santandercito. When Pablo first started asking for financial aid — in 2019, if I recall correctly — he was credit-worthy. At times he even paid me back earlier than originally agreed. So, understandably enough, I became more relaxed about giving him handouts.

However, this all changed in 2023. Indeed, a later story that year, Exacting revenge, gave an indication of how angered I'd become. A feeling of being used and abused.

Yet, some questionable quid pro quo deals with Pablo aside, I've allowed myself to be taken advantage of a few more times. Yes, it's all completely my fault. Pablo doesn't put a gun to my head or entrap me in mafia-esque offers I can't refuse. (I can count myself lucky on this front — we're talking about Colombia, after all.)

If I were to name a culprit other than me for my actions it would be Father Time, the great healer that he is and all. However, that's a weak defence of my idiocy considering all the stress I've suffered over the last few years because of this money-lending, stress I've already addressed via this medium.

Cruel to be kind

At root, I surmise, is that there's something I admire in Pablo. A father of at least five children of his own blood, he also took under his wing two troublesome stepchildren. I've seen this pair go from late adolescence to early adulthood. The kindest word I could use to describe them is leeches.

All this could be seen as a vicious cycle. Pablo is taken advantage of by certain people, his kith and kin essentially. Then he in turn takes advantage of others when the opportunity arises.
'When does one go from being too much of a nice guy to being too much of a strongman, too obnoxious?'
I've told Pablo before that he should be tougher with his ungrateful stepchildren, as well as, at times, with some of his own adult children. Cruel to be kind and all that.

This is, however, a prime example of seeing the flaws in others whilst failing to see — or ignoring — shortcomings in ourselves. I need to be crueller with Pablo.

In any case, Pablo remains in my life. Heated arguments aside, or perhaps because of them, he almost seems like a Colombian brother to me. Family feuds can get ugly, can't they?

So my being a nice guy to him is more excusable in that context.

Consenting to resentment

Where my nice-guy approach rankles even more is when it comes to courting. Before I get into specifics, I must clarify that dating is something that I've never been too enthused about.

That admission aside, I had thought that my recent softly-softly, gentlemanly approach with a young lady in San José del Guaviare was the way to go. And, initially, it did seem to bear fruit.

However, in the space of just 24 hours, this object of my desire — best I see her as an object, lest I reopen barely healed emotional wounds — went from seemingly being open to my advances to putting up an impenetrable barrier to her heart and head. I was dumped before I'd allowed myself to be properly used and abused. Or before I'd been given the chance to discover this object's dislikeable traits, of which she no doubt has many.

My error? Well, according to some local lads, I wasn't forward enough with her. Too much of, yes, you guessed it, a nice guy. After nights out when she said she had to go home because her mother would be waiting for her, I respected her decision. Apparently I should have insisted she returned to my lodgings.

These loan and love episodes remind me of advice given to the physician Gabor Maté which he shares in his book When The Body Says No:
'“If you face the choice between feeling guilt and resentment, choose the guilt every time.” ... If a refusal saddles you with guilt, while consent leaves resentment in its wake, opt for the guilt. Resentment is soul suicide.'

In the case of Pablo, consenting to lend him money tends to leave me resentful. And with the one-time object of my desire, I resent not being more direct, more quickly.

The former scenario is, in theory, easier to rectify. As for the latter, it's more difficult to know where the boundaries lie. When does one go from being too much of a nice guy to being too much of a strongman, too obnoxious? Moreover, what appeases Object A, may appal Object B. Thus, there may be no relevant lesson to be learned from an error in one escapade before embarking on another. Such is life.
Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz "The Bogotá Pub Quiz".

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Asking good questions — and dealing with uncomfortable answers


[For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.]

'Rather than ask my child, "What did you learn at school today?", I believe it's better to ask, "Did you ask good questions?"'

Asking good questions — and dealing with uncomfortable answers. Cartoon image of a teacher and three young students in a classroom setting.
Asking good questions helps us to become more clued-in, well-rounded individuals.
That suggestion was given by a contributor to a BBC podcast series presented by Rory Stewart, titled The long history of ignorance, released last year.

Need-to-know basis

The idea is that not only is it better to be an active, engaged learner rather than a passive one but also how we go about such engagement makes a telling difference. We should try to become more effective at probing to get the information that will help us understand an issue — or a person — more clearly. (Whilst being aware that for certain issues we may never discover the truth.)

What constitutes good questions will depend on the subject, the context and the inquisitor's level of knowledge. OK, asking open questions — the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) and H (how) — rather than closed questions is a decent overall rule. In fairness to many young children, they do this naturally, something I touched on in The just-how-it-is society, before said society starts to inhibit their inquisitiveness, that is.
'What my reply didn't specify — because I wasn't asked — was if my thinking about her was positive or negative. Or worse, indifferent, with indifference the essence of inhumanity, as George Bernard Shaw put it in The Devil's Disciple.'
The obvious problem with closed questions is that by their design they don't call for deep responses. If the questioner gets the answer he/she expected or wanted to hear, there may not be a follow-up, while the person questioned may be content not to divulge more without being pushed to do so.

For example, a woman in San José del Guaviare with whom I'd been intimately involved asked me in a message if I think about her. I replied in the affirmative. I wasn't lying. I did and do think about her. Somebody who only recently entered my life and still communicates with me from a distance, well it's highly likely I am going to think about her. It's hard not to.

What my reply didn't specify — because I wasn't asked — was if my thinking about her was positive or negative. Or worse, indifferent, with indifference being the essence of inhumanity, as George Bernard Shaw put it in The Devil's Disciple.

She could have followed up her initial question with, 'How do you feel when you think about me?', or something similar. That would have required me to give a more detailed answer. Or at least a diplomatic one. Yes, a more truthful answer is almost always best but at times it can be hard for us to be fully honest.

Learning to deal with it

In general, the person questioned may not, as for me in the example described above, want to say much — or simply may not be able to say much because he/she doesn't have the answers — but at least with the right line of questioning one can get a clearer idea of the situation. All this is better carried out in a face-to-face scenario where body language will most likely tell us more than words alone. It's quite easy to bluff or lie in a message, be it by text or voice.

Yet, even if we ask good questions that lead to our getting accurate answers, we don't always take the necessary lessons they impart. To do so is often the more challenging part.

Returning to soppy emotional affairs, another San José del Guaviare woman, one whose company and conduct I had enjoyed, told me bluntly in a WhatsApp message that she didn't want to see me again. She gave no specific reason(s) for this. Now, experience has taught me that there's no coming back from that. Yet, my acceptance of this fact has been quite difficult — well, had been quite difficult. I'm moving on. Honestly, I am.

Asinine romantic escapades aside, asking good questions is one step towards becoming a more clued-in, well-rounded individual. Having the wherewithal to deal with and, if possible, act on any uncomfortable, perplexing or even unfathomable answers arising from those good questions can propel one towards greatness. Some of us, however, are unwilling — or unable — to put in the effort required.
Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz "The Bogotá Pub Quiz".

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Our tops and flops of 2024


[For an audio/vlog version of this story, click here.]

It's that time of year again when content creators and publishers can be a little lazy and rehash, under the guise of a review, some of the work from the previous twelve months.

Our tops and flops of 2024: Wrong Way Corrigan and The Corrigan Cast published. You chose.
Things can only get better. Actually, they could get much worse all the same!
The Wrong Way Corrigan approach to this is to pick out the hits, or tops if you will— I use those words lightly — and flops — most are just that when one desires viral-esque material — of the content I've published across various platforms.

Good for nothing

Let's start with uploads that, to put it kindly, haven't quite taken off. (In truth, they haven't even started taxiing to the runway.) I'm using the present perfect tense for the simple fact that these pieces still, of course, exist online and thus could, in theory, fly to great heights in time to come. Ever the optimist, here.

Here on Google Blogger, 2024's poorest performing post at the time of writing is Google/Gulag Blogger's faceless, unaccountable, cowardly censors. What are they afraid of?, published in September. It's somewhat surprising that Google Blogger hasn't been keen to vigorously promote a blog with such a heading. You know, to show how fair and balanced the platform is.

I must put on record here that Google Blogger has since lifted the ban on the content it unceremoniously blocked, the subject of that story. Why it was taken down in the first instance still baffles me. Google Blogger and me, a relationship of mystery.

On El Tiempo, the slow burner (it's bound to come good after this) is Round by round we go. Oh no! If only some of my Colombian friends would read a translated version so that they'd know that I prefer to be excluded from cumbersome and expensive rounds of beers. Buy me lunch instead.
'Next to nobody seems interested in my dental musings as Boosting dental health has proven about as popular as a dentist drilling away at your unanaesthetised mouth.'
Cop on Colombia, for biodiversity's sake is the least listened to/viewed on The Corrigan Cast via Spotify and associated platforms. Come on folks, you're missing out on humanity-saving advice.
(*LINK )

On my YouTube channel, we've got a two-way tie in the Top of the Vlog Flops category. An act of good clearly wasn't seen as such for YouTube viewers while next to nobody seems interested in my dental musings as Boosting dental health has proven about as popular as a dentist drilling away at your unanaesthetised mouth.

For YouTube Shorts, the video titled Ariarí River near Granada in Colombia's Meta department hasn't caught the imagination for some reason. The mind boggles, considering its sexy title.

So, they are our flops, with the caveat that they could become tops in time to come. Really, they could!

The letter writer's raining champion

Now for the hits.

Back to Google Blogger, the October-published Kamala control: Letter to the editor leads the way. Yes, that's right, details of a letter to the Irish Independent has been my most viewed post on Blogger in 2024. Why doesn't the Irish Independent just hire me to be a columnist? Come on, it could be the start of something great!

Now, as already noted, the Spotify version of Cop on Colombia, for biodiversity's sake has largely been ignored. However, the text of this story on El Tiempo found a niche. It's the one with the most engagement of all my 2024 articles on that page. So I won't give up all hope of a cleaner, greener Colombia in the near future.

In top spot on Spotify is Life imitating art of Los 39, minus the bloodshed. A bitchy, telling-tales-from-school yarn does have its fans.

The highest ranking of my YouTube vlogs is Shunning la Selección Colombia. Cheers to those of you who checked it out. Rather than support overpaid, petulant footballers, support an underpaid, underworked curmudgeon — me! Just don't forget to donate generously to the Corrigan cause.

And just in case you think all my pieces on Colombia are somewhat negative — what would give you that impression? — From Guaviare with love: Sending this to rain-deprived Bogotá! is 2024's most-viewed amongst my YouTube Shorts. I could be on to a winner posting about eye-catching weather events. Let's have more magical meteorological moments occur around me, please.

So that's Wrong Way Corrigan and The Corrigan Cast (catchy band name, that) wrapped for 2024. We're now all set to ride the 2025 Trump Tide!
Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz "The Bogotá Pub Quiz".

Saturday, 14 December 2024

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!


The end-of-year bumper quiz, a tradition for many publications — English-language ones in any case (is it a thing in other languages?).

And some of you may be aware that I had been running a quiz (or trivia, if you prefer) night, IQuiz "The Bogotá Pub Quiz", in Bogotá since 2015. This year, though, largely due to my more nomadic nature of late, looked set to be the first one without an IQuiz since its inception. But, thanks to the fine folks at the Irish Embassy, I was coaxed out of my trivia retirement to compile and present an IQuiz — the 63rd one all told — for the embassy's Christmas get-together. That took place on Friday 13 December — one can't afford to be superstitious in these straitened times!

Take the IQuiz test

Now, not to let a good (if I do say so myself) quiz be confined to a select view, and following in that end-of-year-quiz tradition, below I'm sharing the bulk of the questions asked on the night, minus the Christmas songs that made up the last round — I can't really share the audio here! Thus, you'll also have to skip over the other questions that have an audio element to them. Nonetheless, there's enough in it to have some fun over the festive period.

I won't publish the answers just yet. If there's a question that's truly bugging you and you want the answer, get in touch via the comments!

Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here.

Facebook: Wrong Way Corrigan — The Blog & IQuiz "The Bogotá Pub Quiz".

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 1, questions 1-5.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 1, questions 6-10.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 2, questions 1-6.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 2, questions 7-10.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 3, questions 1-4.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 3, questions 5-10.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 4, questions 1-5.

IQuiz LXIII: A taste of Bogotá's top trivia night, the comeback special!
Round 4, questions 6-10.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

X marks the Bluesky spot: Letter to the editor


I will concede, I believe Elon Musk's X is far from perfect. For one, dislike its verified-account approach. It's somewhat elitist.

Yet, the point of my letter, screenshot below and available via, still holds.
X marks the Bluesky: Letter to the editor
X marks the diversity spot.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Ireland's leftist landscape: Letter to the editor


An observation on the state of play in Irish politics in the aftermath of the 2024 General Election.

Below is a screenshot of an online version of the letter in the Irish Examiner. It's also available at and, on the Irish Independent website, at

Ireland's leftist landscape: Letter to the editor of the Irish Examiner.


Listen to The Corrigan Cast podcast here